Sunday, January 30, 2011

No Pattern Progress

Now I remember why I had trouble with patterns, I spend all of my riding time with thresholds. After the great day I had yesterday, I figured I was going to be following the rail, point to point, corners game, etc. Well, Can Do had other ideas and was worried about everything in the arena. I got to thinking about it and it is the same thing with Gizmo. So now that I've discovered the obvious, I need to do approach and retreat. If I recall correctly, the reason I thought Can Do needed Parelli was because I could never take her out alone. She never wanted to leave the other horses and my ride was miserable. If others were trail riding with me she was fine and a joy to ride. So I'm backing up my journey a little and putting in the time to get that fixed. Reading horses is so much more important than I ever realized. I'm licking and chewing on that for awhile and I'll let you know how it turns out.

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